Viral! Pernikahan Pelajar SMP 14 Tahun, Anda Akan Nangis Jika Tahu Kisah Orangtuanya

11:01 PM

Sepasang kekasih yang masih duduk di bangku SMP di Bantaeng, Sulawesi Selatan, menikah. Penikahan pasangan remaja belia ini menjadi viral di media sosial. Usia calon pengantin pria baru 15 tahun 10 bulan dan wanita masih 14 tahun 9 bulan. Mereka pun telah mendaftarkan perkawinannya itu ke KUA Kecamatan Bantaeng dan mengikuti Bimbingan Perkawinan (Bimwin), Kamis (12/4/2018). 

Penghulu Fungsional pada KUA Kecamatan Bantaeng, Syarif Hidayat mengaku baru kali pertama memeriksa berkas calon pengantin yang masih berusia belia. "Ini pertama kalinya saya dapat ada catin (calon pengantin, red) semuda ini. Usianya kan biasa nanti di atas yang dipersyaratkan, apalagi ini dua-duanya sangat muda," ujarnya via rilis, Sabtu (14/3/2018). Dia menyebutkan, karena usianya yang belum memenuhi syarat itu, 

pihak KUA setempat sempat menolak dengan mengeluarkan blanko N9 (penolakan pencatatan). Baca juga : Dua Pelajar SMP Kebelet Menikah, Ditolak KUA lalu Banding ke Pengadilan Tapi rupanya usaha kedua sejoli ini tak sampai di situ. Mereka mengajukan permohonan dispensasi ke Pengadilan Agama Bantaeng dan permohonannya dikabulkan. 

"Sempat ditolak, karena usia keduanya masih belum cukup. Tapi rupanya mengajukan dispensasi dan disetujui oleh Pengadilan Agama," tambahnya. Karena dispensasi itu, tidak ada lagi alasan pihak KUA untuk menolak permohonan pernikahan kedua sejoli yang tengah dimabuk cinta itu. 

Syarif pun menggali informasi dari keduanya atas keinginan kuat membangun bahtera rumah tangga itu, namun tidak terdapat kejanggalan. Bukan karena dijodohkan ataupun si wanita tengah berbadan dua, tapi memang keinginan kuat keduanya, ditambah sang wanita yang diketahui takut tidur sendiri. Diketahui anak perempuan ini juga mengalami kisah sedih terkait orangtuanya. "Dari informasi tantenya. Anak ini takut tidur sendiri, karena ibunya meninggal setahun lalu dan ayahnya yang kerap keluar daerah karena urusan kerjaan," tuturnya. Baca juga : Takut Tidur Sendirian, Alasan Pelajar SMP Ngotot Nikahi Pacarnya Padahal wanita ini diketahui masih duduk di kelas 2 SMP, bahkan dikenal berprestasi oleh teman sekelasnya. 

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul Viral! Pernikahan Pelajar SMP 14 Tahun, Anda Akan Nangis Jika Tahu Kisah Orangtuanya

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul "Kegigihan Pelajar SMP di Bantaeng yang Bersikeras Ingin Menikah...", 

Lihat Video Lengkpanya tentnag pernikahan Anak Usia Dini pada Link di Bawah Ini..

Editor : Farid Assifa

We know that many of you who read our blog are family members of mesothelioma patients, so we thought we would write a post just for you and discuss some of the things you might be  going through.
We’ve heard from a lot of family members over the years, and they’ve told us what an emotional roller coaster it is after you hear about a diagnosis to your father, your uncle, your grandfather or anyone close to you.
Here are some of the things others in your shoes told us:

There are Survivors

This is first and foremost. Although very few mesothelioma patients live longer than two years after the doctor delivers the bad news, there are survivors. Take hope from their stories. Plus, researchers are discovering new and better ways to detect and treat this disease, and a search for a cure in ongoing.

You’re Not Alone

When you first hear that a loved one has cancer, it may seem like no one else in the world can understand what you’re going through. While no one can feel exactly the same way you do, there are others experiencing similar emotions.
Participating in support groups, whether online or in person, can help you and others in the family understand all the emotions that come with a mesothelioma diagnosis. Talking with others may really help loved ones sort through their feelings.
It’s very easy after learning of a devastating piece of medical news to throw yourself into the disease. You research it. You look for cutting-edge treatments and doctors. You want to help be part of the solution. Others simply ignore the news and go on about their lives as if nothing is wrong.
These are all well-intended coping mechanisms. They’re just not healthy.
Find a balance between the two. Talk about the disease and the upcoming treatments. Ask questions. Comfort one another. Express your love.
It’s normal for family members to be concerned about a loved one’s condition, but it’s important not to be consumed by it. Family members impacted by mesothelioma should try to continue with their usual activities while balancing concern for a loved one.

Knowledge is Power

While it’s important for you not to spend all their time researching mesothelioma, everyone involved should be informed. Sometimes the unknown and what people imagine is much worse than the reality, so being informed about a loved one’s diagnosis will only help family members cope with the situation.
These tips barely touch the surface on how family members can handle a loved one’s diagnosis, but hopefully they’ve provided a glimpse into the fact that although mesothelioma is a rare disease, others do have it. And other family members are dealing with it, too.


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